The challenge contains a list of 100 different themes which are located on the tool bar to the right. Over time I’ll create a piece of art based
on each theme and blog about it. The goal is to keep me motivated about expanding as artist and to have fun doing it!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

# 71. Obsession

Meet Jeszie, my level 85 undead warlock from the game World of Warcraft.

This theme makes a lot more since if you happened to have known me back in 2006 and 2007. In the summer of 2006 I was in a motorcycle accident that left me unable to walk for a couple of months. So, I spent the majority of my time playing the online computer game called World of Warcraft, maybe you’ve heard of it. Anyway even after I healed I continued to play the game almost addictively.  For my birthday that next year my dad even wrote/sang a parody about my obsession with the game and gods only knows what would happen if my computer blew up.

It’s actually funny how many people have gotten themselves addicted to that game and ruined their lives. I know person I used to play with back in the day played so much he fluncked out of college and lost his scholarship which also led to his parents (who paid for all of his living expenses) to cut him off and he got kicked out of his apartment. Of course his girl friend also dumped him because he preferred to go to raids in the game on a Friday night instead of taking her out on a date…. And these things are actually common with this game.

Anyway, I got the idea from an artist on deviant art. She had several drawings of her different characters and I thought that was kind of cleaver. So I made a sketch of my own character and low and behold there’s a theme on my list that fits.   

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