The challenge contains a list of 100 different themes which are located on the tool bar to the right. Over time I’ll create a piece of art based
on each theme and blog about it. The goal is to keep me motivated about expanding as artist and to have fun doing it!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

# 52. Deep in Thought

Hmmmm, I wonder what she’s thinking about. Well, she’s probably thinking she’s pretty and that she’s making a lot of money because she’s a model in a magazine. The medium is oil pastels. But, I have to say she worked well for a model for my drawing. Haven’t you ever looked at someone staring off into space and wondered what they were thinking? 

My recent thoughts:

Mean people suck! Just because you are unhappy with your life it is not okay to take it out on other people. I’m actually not talking about a single person or a particular situation although I can think of many. But in general, there is nothing I hate more than someone I do not know expressing excessive rudeness towards me for no reason, especially when I have done nothing but be positive and greet them with a smile.  Furthermore, just because you are in a position of power doesn’t give you the right to push people around and act like you are entitled to the world. If I were in that position I would want to be admired not despised.  

The way I see it life is so much more pleasant if your attitude toward life is more pleasant. And, I strongly believe that good things happen to good people. I saw a commercial once I think it was a phone commercial or something but it played two scenarios side by side. In one scenario a girl drops her ballet shoes at the same time some famous ballet producer walks by and helps her pick them up, the other scenario she misses him. It then shows her having dinner with the guy vs. her being the waitress serving him wine and finally she’s on stage dancing vs. she’s in the stands watching. I would like to think this applies to the “good things happen to good people” rule. When you decide you want to be a positive person over time more random opportunities come your way. If you choose to be a grumpy mean person those doors of opportunity never open or you can just call it karma. Anyway, I just wish there were more nice people in the world and less mean people that suck.

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