The challenge contains a list of 100 different themes which are located on the tool bar to the right. Over time I’ll create a piece of art based
on each theme and blog about it. The goal is to keep me motivated about expanding as artist and to have fun doing it!

Monday, December 27, 2010

5 Must See Salvador Dali Artwork

I didn't intend to stray from my themes but I thought this is kind of cool. Anyway it’s official! I’ve been accepted into OU’s study abroad program and next May I’ll get to take my business capstone course in Alcala de Hernares, Spain. Yes, I’m excited! However, speaking of Salvador Dali from my previous post (One of my overall favorite artists) his home town is Figueres, Spain and home to one of the best Salvador Dali Museums in the world. One of my goals when I get to Spain is to visit this museum.
I mean look at the architecture of the museum, if that doesn’t say Dali I don’t know what does

1. Portrait of Gala with Two Lamb Chops Balanced on Her Shoulder (1933)
Now, what derived Dali to put a piece of meat on a girls shoulder? The oddness of this painting definitely helps describe the artist’s personality. However I do wonder if this painting was meant as some sort of inside joke between Dali and his wife (whom he sometimes called Gala). He must have been a very out of the box kind of guy.

2. Galatea of the Spheres (1952)
These are the painting I love the most. They are so creative that I always stop and then to myself “wow, now what can I create that is compare with the creativeness of Dali?” And then the cogs start turning and I can feel the creative juices flowing and I have pick up a pen and paper and start a new major work of art! Anyway, Dali’s paintings by far are the most inspirational artwork for me.

3. Surrealist Object Functioning Symbolically (1974)
The shoe speaks to me. I almost want to spoof the painting and make one of my own but instead of a red high heel use a converse sneaker. Additionally I also love how Dali incorporates all the small detail points in his paintings. Like all of the mini shoes he places in this one. To me it’s almost like you find a new discovery every time you look at his painting and I love it!

4. Face of Mae West Which Can Be Used as an Apartment (instalation) (1974)
 No it’s not a painting it’s actually a room. Yes a room how awesome is that! The lips are actually a couch and the nose seems almost like a chimney to me with jewels in the nostrils as fire. I’m not sure if that was the intension or if the nose is just some type of furniture oh well I like my chimney idea.

5. Dali Jewels
And yes he even turned his paintings into jewelry, how clever.

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